.. |pic1| image:: micado_scopesim_logo.png :width: 600px :alt: MICADO + ScopeSim |pic1| ====== Introduction ------------ A new MICADO data simulator is being developed as part of the generic simulator ScopeSim, a descendant of the older SimCADO software. Prerequisites ------------- - A working installation of Python 3.6 or newer - A working installation of Jupyter notebooks if you want to run the simulator from notebooks, i.e. using a graphical interactive interface, rather than just the terminal or scripts (highly recommended) - A working installation of the Python package installer pip .. note:: Bug reports and help-desk If you come across a bug or get stuck with a certain aspect of ScopeSim or the MICADO package, please get in touch with us (emails addresses below). **Your feedback is the only way we know** what needs to be changed/improved with the package and the simulator Installation & setup -------------------- 1. Install ``scopesim`` in your python environment:: $ pip install scopesim 2. Create a directory where your simulation notebooks will live, e.g. ``~/path/to/playing_with_scopesim/`` 3. Install relevant irdb packages & download example notebooks into this directory:: $ python >> import scopesim >> scopesim.download_packages(["Armazones", "ELT", "MICADO"]) 4. Download one of the tutorial notebooks (see `Python notebooks`_) 5. In a Terminal, cd to ~/ScopeSim and execute the notebook by calling:: $ cd ~/path/to/playing_with_scopesim/ $ jupyter notebook filename.ipynb 6. Follow instruction and explanations in the notebook. Python notebooks ---------------- .. note:: To download a notebook from Github, either: - view the raw file and save this disk from the browser, or - navigate up one level, then right click the file and save as **Download the example notebooks** `from the Github repo `_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: List of notebooks for MICADO example_notebooks/1_scopesim_MCAO_4mas_galaxy example_notebooks/2_scopesim_SCAO_1.5mas_astrometry example_notebooks/3_scopesim_SCAO_4mas_fv-psf example_notebooks/MICADO_FAQs Scientific use-case notebooks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. list-table:: Science case notebooks :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - - Documentation and useful references ----------------------------------- - `ScopeSim documentation `_ - `Sky Object Templates documentation `_ - `MICADO homepage `_ - For experts: GitHub repositories: + `simulator package ScopeSim `_ + `instrument-specific packages irdb `_. Contact points -------------- - kieran.leschinski@univie.ac.at - oliver.czoske@univie.ac.at